Episode 144 - Thomas Macauley on a Societal Turning Point

Thomas Macaulay was a historian, author, and British Secretary of War.  He wrote a massive tome on the history of England from 1685-1702, covering 5 volumes.  He also wrote a collection of essays on various topics, compiled into a book entitled Critical and Historical Essays.  It is from this work that we draw today's quote.  

If you've ever felt like the world is coming to an end or that your or our way of life is threatened, Macaulay has salve for that concern.  The trajectory of the world is, in fact, upward, not downward.  


Episode 145 - Poetry Explication #10: September 1, 1939 by W. H. Auden, Part 1


Episode 143 - Joseph Rost on Influencers