Episode 175 - Intro Quote #1: “If” by Rudyard Kipling

In this, the first of four episodes in which we will explore the quotes snippets that are a part of the show's introductory music, we revisit Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "If."  It is, arguably, one of the most recognizable and memorable poems of all time.  I originally examined the poem in 2022 with my good friend Sean Powell in Episode 111.  I enjoy this poem very much and it teaches me something every time I read it.  In this, the first of four episodes in which we will explore the quotes snippets that are a part of the show's introductory music, we revisit Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "If."  It is, arguably, one of the most recognizable and memorable poems of all time.  I originally examined the poem in 2022 with my good friend Sean Powell in Episode 111.  I enjoy this poem very much and it teaches me something every time I read it.  


Episode 176 - Intro Quote #2: We Shall Fight on the Beaches by Winston Churchill


Episode 174 - Aimee Lehto Schewe on Impossibility