Episode 7 - H. Jackson Brown on Time

Time.  We all have it, we use every bit of it, and it passes whether we use it well or not.  H. Jackson Brown speaks to us, through advice to his son, on how we ought to approach time.  His challenging words have led me to consider the ticking clock and how I spend my time.  I hope they'll challenge you to do so, as well.  

If you’re a parent or were raised by your parents, there will come or has already come a time where you give or receive your last piece of advice before embarking upon adulthood. What was the last bit of wisdom your parents bestowed upon you? What will your last words of advice to your child be? H. Jackson Brown gives us a memorable example in his words to his son prior to his departure for college.

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Episode 8 - Ian Reed Kesler on How We Treat People


Episode 6-Caroline Zelonka on People's Motivations