Episode 36-James Dyson on Accelerating to Success

James Dyson, or, more accurately, Sir James Dyson is an inventor, designer, engineer, and entrepreneur all rolled into one. You’ve doubtlessly seen his creations and may very well have one or more in your home right now. That’s right, he’s the “vacuum guy!” Obviously, he’s much more than that, and today’s quote is about how to get there. How to achieve success in the face of mounting or seemingly insurmountable odds. The answer? Accelerate.

Don’t tell this knighted fellow about why you’re giving up. This is the same guy who went through more than 5,000 iterations to get his first prototype correct. 5,000! That’s incredible, not just as an accomplishment, but also as a model for us. If you want success, never stop pursuing it.

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Episode 37 - Peter Pace on Humble Leadership


Episode 35-Tyler Cowen on Flawed Arguments