Episode 34-Wallace Stegner on the Cure for Cynicism

Wallace Stegner is a name not many have heard, but certainly should.  He was an American writer, naturalist, and activist.  He's one of the rare people who could, at the time of his death, say he was instrumental in preserving a pristine tract of land which millions have enjoyed and continue to enjoy.  That place is called Dinosaur National Monument and if you have not seen it, I encourage you to search for photos.  It...is...breathtaking.  And it was nearly lost to development as the nation grew and attempted to bring the mighty Colorado River under control.  

He is a fascinating man, with a fascinating story, and his words are as true today, when it is so easy to be cynical, as they were nearly 40 years ago when he spoke them.  

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Episode 35-Tyler Cowen on Flawed Arguments


Episode 33-James Spader on Prejudice