Episode 30-Poetry Explication #1: “Opportunity” by John James Ingalls

This is my very first attempt at a poetry explication. John James Ingalls penned this very approachable and thought-provoking work that has universal applicability. The caution it lays out and the learning we can take from it are great, if only we are willing to “pick the lock” to discover the treasure within.

Don’t be afraid, it’s just a poem and I am just a man. We’ll figure it out together, have some fun, and learn a little something along the way!

Thanks to the UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center for the explication explanation. (say that 5 times!) You can find it here for your own explication explanation exploration:


Episode 30-Ingalls.JPG

Episode 31-Pema Chodron on the Hard Things in Life


Episode 29-Brianna Wiest on Escaping Life