Episode 25-Abraham Lincoln on Keeping Faith

Abraham Lincoln, Kentucky native, Illinois State Senator, Illinois Congressman, 16th President of the United States, statesman and orator-extraordinaire is one of the most oft-quoted individuals in history.  He gave many a memorable speech chock full of quotes for the ages.  In 1864, in the midst of the American Civil War, he faced a daunting reelection bid.  Many offered their advice to assuage those that wanted him gone, including returning the recently freed slaves to their masters after the war as a concession to the persistent and wily southern secessionists.  Lincoln would have none of it, as evidenced by his words that I explore in this episode.  Truly inspiring then.  Truly inspiring now.    

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Episode 26-Anais Nin on the Death of Love


Episode 24 - John Gottman on Irritation