Episode 23-Anthony Bourdain on Overcoming Ourselves

The late Anthony Bourdain was a truly unique character.  He traveled, ate, drank, and conversed around the globe for decades.  He cooked, swore, and documented his way through kitchens everywhere.  All of this, he did with pen and paper and later a camera by his side.  From this, we glean an amazing, raw, and largely unfiltered look at a complex man exploring a complex world. 

His words in this episode stand as a caution and a challenge to be ever-cautious against that slothful, self-indulgent version of ourselves, lest we waste what brief time we have.  

Today’s quote comes from this article: https://www.mensjournal.com/features/anthony-bourdains-life-advice-20140919/

Episode 23-Bourdain.JPG

Episode 24 - John Gottman on Irritation


Episode 22-Phyllis Theroux on Compliments