Episode 19-Interview with James Settele

CAPT James Settele led sailors and Marines for nearly 3 decades.  Now he directs the School of Policy & International Affairs at the University of Maine.  

CAPT Settele and I crossed paths when he was the commanding officer of the NROTC unit at Maine Maritime Academy late in his career.  His background leading thousands of servicemembers and civilians makes him uniquely qualified to speak on leadership both in the military and civilian world.  Though different in many ways, they share a commonality in respect.  You earn respect and, once a baseline is established, every interaction with someone raises or lowers their level of it for you. 

In this, the first interview of Quotations, we discuss leadership, challenges, respect, and attempt to improve ourselves, as we always do!

Episode 19-Settele.JPG

Episode 20-Olin Miller on Insecurity


Episode 18-Corey Allan on Non-violent Communication